So I am posting my first haul in a while... mind you... I HAVE hauled since my last haul post... but not as much as today (not that it's much hahaha)...
I was excited for this [In The Groove] collection, which is this summer's mineralize collection (like last year's Colour Craft -- which was my FAVOURITE). I didn't buy out the whole collection this time though, because it just wasn't as good as last year's.
The focus of this collection, as I'm sure you all agree, is the repromote of the MSF Stereo Rose, which we have all waited so anxiously for. I am now a proud owner of one and am SUPER excited... even as I type this, I realize that I have yet to swatch it (i didn't even swatch it in-store!), therefore there are no swatch pics of it... but i'm positive there will be tons on Specktra.
Well since the focus of the collection, and the only thing I wanted from the collection was the MSF, I surprised myself by walking out with two additional items -- yes only two!
First, let me say, that there is a huge selection of the trio mineralized eyeshadows. I swatched a couple of them... and they are incredibly impressive. Not only are they uber pigmented... but I find that they are the smoothest, least glittery MES that MAC has ever released. I know everyone says that with each new MES release... but maybe because MAC continues to improve on them? There was virtually no glitter flecks (at least on the ones I swatched), and the texture reminds me more of the veluxe pearl finish -- which is fab. I didn't pick up any of them though, because I find that I never touch my MES... ever.
Anyway... onto the haul...
Mandatory group shot
I've always wanted Riveting, but it's a tad orange --
this is more toned down and more flattering on me
This was a surprise purchase. Although it goes on practically clear, with a slight pearly finish, I really liked it on top of the purple lipstick in the same collection "Go For It". The lipstick was a little bold, but the blue/cool tone of Chillin' really toned it down and made it wearable and pretty. I didn't purchase the purple lipstick, because I have the pro one "Violetta" and I felt that it would probably do the same job.