Wednesday, April 08, 2009

30% off UB and Costa

This weekend only!

1 comment:

Chi Lok said...

hi sanderless!

as you have said that you enjoy writing on this blog and that you go on here regularly.
i would like to see. :D

- type whats really on your mind of the day you are up-dating this blog.

- bring a camera with you around and whatever you see that interested you. take a pic and upload on here and share it with us. :) i guarantee it's fun. lols

- basically just be yourself and carve up anything that you would like us to know. :P this would let all of your subscribers on youtube and followers on here to know more about you. :)

my personal requests on this site!

- is it okay that you post pictures of yourself when you're in your childhood? :D heehe.

- post any random up-dates of make up products of various stores that you like the most

thank you so much for spending your time to read my comment!
i appreciated. heehe :D

btw i hope you rmb who i am! i wrote to you once on youtube. :) but i was quite busy wif school stuff so i haven't got the time to write you back. i apologize for that! :P

have a great day. and a little reminder for you! sleep at least up to 8 hours a day! heehe or you'll be 'zzzzzzzz' and super tiredddd.

It's important to have a good health!

greets from hong kong,
chi lok.