I should really slow down with these and stop spoiling you guys... I'm running low on items to give away! But I love doing it =)
Up for grabs this time is a brand new Red Earth kabuki brush with carrying pouch that I got from the Esprit sale. For your chance to win, follow this blog and leave a comment with your email under this post AND tell me one thing you've done this week to make this earth more GREEN by Saturday, June 6 11:59pm EST. The winner will be contacted the next day.
Background: The city of Toronto has taken a step towards being more green by imposing a bylaw that require us shoppers to pay 5 cents for every new grocery/plastic bag we use, which was in effect as of June 1, 2009. So I'm just curious what you've done ^_^ Winner will still be chosen at random.
Good Luck!
This week, I bought recycled notebooks for school while shopping with my reusable grocery shopping bag. I just want to say those notebooks are awesome! It's pretty cool to know you're using recycled paper ^-^
email: lorencdavid@gmail.com
I use reusable shopping bags when ever i shop. I also recycle all the flyers, mail inserts, milk cartons, and tin cans that i use in my home.
email briseida_h2003@yahoo.ca
I have been using my air conditioner less.
I have been reusing the plastic bags from the grocery stores as trash or recyclables bags.
I have also been reusing my water bottles.
email: kristinaesmall@yahoo.com
HI ,
I have been reusing my water bottles and I have also been reusing some flyers for my notes.
my email is :
I Buy My Shampoo,Conditioner and Shower Gel in 3 litre bottles....
By doing so,i save money.It also helps to recycle plastic.
I recycle anything that is recyclable, and I only my reusable shopping bag everytime I shop. This week, I bought an aluminum water bottle so I don't need to use the plastic ones that just sit on landfills! ^.^
I now have most of the electrical items in my room pluged into power bars so that when I leave my room during the day I can turn all the power bars so that (even though they are off) they don't eat up phantom electricity.
Along with that thanks to the long days now I don't have to use lights in my room between 5am and just before 10 pm. :)
Email: Jacquie.Shaw@gmail.com
hehe it may not be big but im trying so i guess that counts lol...ive completely stopped using plastic water bottles & now i have 2 stainless steal water bottles which are my absoulte loves hehe =)
this week i ahve been designing for a t-shirt and the front designe has to be green themed. i broung 2 recycled notebooks for school.and i have walked everywhere fot the past 3 weeks.
I took a 30 min shower instead of my usual hour (sad, i know. but it made a difference!) also, I took out the recycling so people could put more stuff in instead of throwing it away (so wasteful!)
email: rootforunhwa@yahoo.com
i never throw out paper that isnt' used on both sides. even though you can recycle them, i rather recycle them when i know i've used up whatever space i can on it.
helps save money for all the recycle processing the government has to pay.
email: o0foreva0o@gmail.com
I use reusable shopping bags when i shop, and make sure all recyclables end up where they belong.
email: dclaveau@uwo.ca
This week, I kindly declined shopping bags when I can when I purchase things since I can carry it in my handbag. I never buy grocery bags and utilized the cardboard boxes at grocery stores and then recycle those boxes as well as every piece of paper and household products that can be recycled. I planted more plants in my vegetable garden and water only when it is necessary so that my flowers and veggies all around the house don't die (including the ones in my room). Thanks for the giveaways, you're so generous! ^o^
email: natgn89@gmail.com
This week, I re-used my water bottle & it's easy to bring anywhere.
email: lil_angel_girl_karen@hotmail.com
I took out the recycling today.
This week I recycled some plastic water bottles as my whole family does most of the time.
I also donated some uniforms to my school which counts for one of the three R's: Reduce, REUSE, and Recycle.
This week I try to save energy by not watching tv much and playing on my laptop lol.
I also walk or ride a bike to school as well.
EMAIL: kikixi0ng@hotmail.com
I always try to pick up garbage that are in the halls of my school. There is way too much garbage in there! I also walk to school, use the bus, and carpool as much as i can. I recycle pretty much everything in my hosue too!
Email: curious_baybee24@hotmail.com
plzz enter mee. i could really use a good kabuki.
my email is yllas95@gmail.com
omg my ecotools kabuki broke so plzzz enter me in this
my email is lkim1118@gmail.com
Heyy! :)
Hmm..Lets see..Last Monday I cleaned my apartment and instead of using chemicals to wipe my windows I used vinegar water and old newspapers (which is VERY effective)!
I never throw out my old lipgloss, lipstick and blush containers (and only return them to MAC or cargo). The ones I keep I mix with others to get another unique color :D
email: lex.albert@gmail.com
=) I use my reusable aluminum bottle and carry it everywhere I go rather than using disposable water bottles. Great for keeping my water cold in the summer!
I brought my "I'm not a Plastic Bag" bag out when I went shopping! :)
I always recycle any cans/bottles.
i turned an old shirt that i still loved but didn't want to donate, into a brush roll! (:
aww thx for the giveaway...
this week i walk to my work place instead of taking the transportation =]...and...didnt take plastic bags when i shop lolx=D... also recycle all the paper that seat in my room tht need to be throw away...
my email is tracy910507@hotmail.com
I'm just getting into the green thing. I have to say I wasn't green at all till maybe the end of last year. Some things I've tried to do is recycle, and my mom and I have the reusable bags for when we shop. Not using as much paper products is another way.
On a different note, I learnt new ways by reading the comments so thanks. ^_^
Email kaylah.moody@yahoo.com
i have been using refillable water bottles and stopped using water bottles made of plastic
i also have walked to places like target, ROSS,etc instead of using a car ( thank goodness that there close by)
email: kvd121@gmail.com
For me being green is not just what you do now, I try to do something that would last for a long time, and that is teaching my kids and their friends not to litter. And teaching them to preserve water and electricity.
email: kencarnado@gmail.com
I have been reusing my chocolate wrappers and random trash and tags to decorate my binder :)
today wen i was shopping i sed no to those paper bags wen buying clothes as they all fit into one bag^^
my email:joycekwok@hotmail.co.uk
i bring my own cute hello kitty shopping bag with me wen i go shopping
my email is
That's so generous of you!
I've been remembering to shut down electrical appliances whenever I'm not at (which most of us are using guilty of not doing!) and reusing plastic bags from the grocery as garbage bags. ;p Taking it one step at a time !
Email: slynncheung@gmail.com
I always bring my re-usable water bottle with me when I go out :)
Hi I'm a follower. Email: luluchinadoll at gmail dot com.
This week we went to out local recycling booth and brought in three big bag full of bottles and cans for proper recycling :)
I recycled a bunch of old school stuff since it's almost the end of the year!
email: frostedcouture@gmail.com
This week I started using re-usable containers to take lunch/snacks to library instead of ziplock bags. I also recycle all my bottles and cans. In addition, I choose to walk to close locations rather than using my car. Let's all do our part to make our earth greener!
email: lucy.blossom@gmail.com
Ive started using reusable shopping as well as recycling all the cans and bottles i use :D
I have started hearing about this brand a lot lately.enter me please..makeupcraze@gmail.com
oh and btw..I have started to print double sided pages instead of single sided and if it is a power point slides I try to squeeze as many I can in one page
I re-used an empty glass jar that contained picked olives, as a makeup brush holder.
email: makeupfrenzy@gmail.com
This week I used my reusable water bottle instead of buying water bottles. As well, I also recycled all of my papers too. :)
email: kare.lun@gmail.com
instead of washing off the dirt on my side walk and drive thru with a hose i swept it off
i love that u do sooo much giveaways! ur too generous :) thanks!
my email is hunnybunzz@gmail.com. one thing that ive done this week to make the earth more green is by re-using my plastic bags. instead of throwing them away, i use them to line my trash cans or if i can, i give them back to the store so they can re-use them.
This week I was on a trip on a resort in a country that you wouldn't expect for them to 'recycle' but they had a few recycling bins scattered across the property so I made sure all of the water bottles that I drank from were placed in these bins rather than the garbage bin :)
Email: ericaw_87@hotmail.com
This week I bought a shirt from WWF and part of the profits went to help save the rainforest. I also bought a chocolate bar (YUM!) and all the profits from it went to saving an endangered blue butterfly! :)
email: flipoveryou95@aol.com
This week I only used recycled paper for printing and bought groceries with my reuseable bags. I try not to use a lot of plastic bags and make sure whereever I am shopping I have my reusable bags with me always. It feels great to know that each one of us can contribute to making a difference in the environment.
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