Sanderlees is finally done school!!!! (For now =P)... So after catching up with some much needed sleep (woke up at 3:30pm today)... caught up with my cousin at Yorkdale this evening and did some light shopping...

We first went to MAC and I picked up Spring Bean lustreglass which I've been eyeing for a while thanks to MUA (I swear MUA reviews has been a big influence on my purchases lately) as well as Brun eyeshadow.

Urban Decay's Pore Perfecting Complexion Primer Potion finally hit Sephora... so I jumped on it! The inital feeling of it is thick, even though I've only swatched it on my hand, I feel that it dries down the way UDPP does. The packaging has obviously improved -- something that should be done to UDPP. However, at the store when we twisted open the lid we felt the packaging was still lacking a little. Even though it is a squeeze tube, the opening was WAY too big and too much product would be dispensed... BUT when i got home I relalized you can TWIST the lid and the TIP of it opens up to reveal a small opening to squeeze a controlled amount out -- GENIUS!!! I'll be giving a thorough review on it as soon as I've used it long enough to judge =)
Also, I was overcharged (sort of) for this product. They had it displayed for $30 and it rang in for $39... I was confused at first but paid for anyway. On my way out, I double checked the price and it DID say $30, so they had to refund the amount they overcharged me for. Funny thing is, the $$ they had displayed was in USD, and the Canadian amount for this product is $39. So for those of you interested and want to save $9 before it's too late, run to your sephora before they make the price adjustment =)
Ooo Nice Haul! I'm also anxious about the Urban Decay's Pore Perfecting Complexion Primer Potion. I might be downtown tomorrow so I'll definitely check it out at Sephora. Can't wait for your review!
I wonder if our Mac pro store has the new mac collection out. I'm kinda lemming for the orange eyeshadow and the green quad. Then again...I've spent so much money on makeup this past summer it's insane....maybe I shud just wait for the mac warehouse sale lol but.... no guarantee of getting a tickets either :( hmmm
OH yeh I dont know if you know this already.... I just remembered the IMATS will be in Toronto this November...so maybe I should save up for that lol It's going to be @ the CNE direct energy trade center...we go there like every year!
I think you can buy the advance tickets online by October.
2 days for $50
and for 1 day it will be $30
Still not even sure if I'll be going.
IMATS might be a good place to get some makeup :-)
It's funny that they posted the US price. $30 sounds a lot better than $39
Nice little haul~!
hey sandy! great haul. I'm glad u got away with the Us price. CDN prices are just too much sometimes. can't wait for the review. oooh congrats on finishing all ur summmer studies...enjoy ur summer girl!
UGH! i want to shoot myself in the foot because i went to yorkdale last week and the face primer wasnt there =P it was the only thing i wanted from sephora lately lol
LOL@ USD price!
why would they even have the USD price at a Sephora in Canada >_<
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