Anyway... here they are... leave your thoughts... which one is your favourite? I'm sure she wouldn't mind constructive critism, either...
btw... products listed is copied and pasted verbatim of how she sent it to me... haha
for the first mask - the "mermaid-y" one:
- i used some no-name cream stick in a baby blue and copper for the base
- any shadow used in mask was from the 88 palette
- outline done in mac fluidline uppity
- the shadow outline was apres-ski from... mac
- and on the lips i used revlon eyeliner in 01 teal flash, uppity and the yellow in the flamboyant loreal hip duo
- oh! and the lashes! wet n' wild fantasy makers. feather fetish
- mascara was my beloved lashblast waterproof
for the second:
- on the eyes i used yogurt from mac and the rest was all the 88 palette
- my trusty maybelline liquid liner - waterproof, of course
- the pink in the mask was part of the 88 palette
- blue outline was deep blue green (yeah i already know what you're going to say.. and yes it was worth it) and star by night by mac
- lashes were ardell fright night lashes in #114
- lips were bonnebell blank ink for outline, star by night and 88 palette
- same mascara
jewels care of my mother's drawer =]
here's compliment #1: woahhh that is greaaat make up skills :)
i can not believe no one has commented on this post yet!! when i saw the pic's thumbnail on my dashboard, i couldn't help but click it to see the bigger size pic!!
Wow! That looks great!! I wish I had such skills! Hope she will start posting and making videos! ^.^
Wow awesome skills! She should really start one regardless of the number of comments!
Through both are great in their own way, I personally LOVE the first one.
Perhaps because of the lighter colouring, it seems more innocent? More like, Belle of the Ball type of masque :P
Anyway great job :P Makes me want to recreate it...had I the imagination and skills to do so!
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