Monday, April 20, 2009

Make-up Art Cosmetics: MAC

MAC Whore/MAC Addict/MAC is my CRACK/MAC-aholic

Just some of the names people use to describe themselves as die-hard mac fanatics.

It's no secret -- MAC has received crazy reputation from celebrities to bloggers to, of course, YT gurus.
There are blogs and forums that devote their material/content specifically to MAC (specktra and Temptalia).
What I want to know is how did MAC get SO BIG?? (big mac -- haha.. Get it?)…
MAC was originally a Canadian brand, getting its start in Toronto (woop woop represent!)… but it was bought out by cosmetics giant Estee Lauder.
I understand why a lot of Americans are 'addicts' -- it's a matter of supply and demand. From my understanding, MAC doesn't come by easy in the States, unlike here in Toronto (I can't speak for all of Canada). Judging from the videos I watch, it seems that the average distance of a MAC store to most of the people on YouTube are about 30min to 45min away.
The fact that MAC seems to be so hard to attain (in my opinion) is why it's so popular. People want what they can't have or can't get.
Here in Toronto, there are TWO MACs in almost every mall in the city -- one counter and one freestanding store… and every mall is an average of 10min away from almost everyone… needless to say, MAC is extremely accessible here… not to say there aren't MAC addicts here in Canada/Toronto *guilty*
Of course there are other reasons to love MAC -- the quality, the price (yes it's expensive to some, but not as expensive as department store brands), the variety and selection!

Also, why *I* use MAC, personally is something that one of my friends once said and it made a lot of sense to me -- "your face is important -- you don't want to put just anything on it… so it makes sense to spend a little more on better quality products that you put on your face"

How did you find out about MAC and why are you fan?


Zerin (XinaRox) said...

I love MAC!!! lol Yes...I am a MAC ADDICT TOO! About 4 yrs ago... I first saw the Mac Bay counters and soon I was a member of Specktra and I was TOTALLY into the eyeshadow looks people did. was ALL STARTED...I started my Mac eyeshadow collection and I became more IN LOVE with Mac.

Toronto has NUMEROUS MAC stores/counters everywhere and I love it for that. You're so right about 2 Macs in one mall lol...Yorkdale/EC/Sherway/STC/Square1 and all the other ones!

I don't know if Vaughan Mills has one it should's a nice outlet mall. =)

I was trying to help out this U.S friend to find a MAC (freestanding) store near her but it was like one 1-2 hrs drive where she practically another state but then she did have some Mac counters but still it was far for her. It's crazy USA only has 4 Mac pro stores and our pro store is so close to We're SO LUCKY! =)

But I wished we had a CCO =(

Tiffany said...

i just started getting into mac because of youtube! before, i was always anti-mac, but now i love it and i have so much of its kind of scary!

as for availability...i think it just depends on the state that you're in. i'm in california and there is always at least 1 mac store at every mall and there are like a gazillion malls close by here. i think mac is probably harder to come by in the less populated states.

Michelle Trinh said...

im not going to lie..i got hooked on mac because of YT! all the gurus were doing such pretty looks with all these colors. i was watching so many videos i started memorizing names and their colors. so when i saw a mac shadow i would be like "AH! thats -blah-" i dont know why lol. then i finally got the gut to buy something when my friends got me a gift card from there as a bday gift. after buying my holiday palette and a bottle of fix+ i was HOOKED! not too bad, becaue i dont splurge too much there. mac is sorta far from me because theres no mac in vaughan, yorkdale is the closes one =(

i think another reason why im hooked are because of their collections. im a sucker for collections now. i want it because in a month i cant have it anymore lol

Unknown said...

I found it just through shopping while in high school, lol! Later half of Grade 9 (Im 28 now) but I never get to purchase on a regular! So I am starting to "re-love" a new found way that I just cant let slip away! lol

jbfan&cameos'mom said...

Thank you for this! I always wondered whyy it was so expensive...I thought it was b/c of the price and then ppl were like omj high quality! I actually JUST got my first 3 MAC brushes (224, 275 and 213LE) and my first e/s Woodwinked through MUA! I swatched woodwinked and was like ahhhhwwwhhh. I hope I can afford MAC in the future!