Warning: This is a very lengthy/rambling blog entry
When I first stumbled upon the YouTube makeup community, I was intrigued yet confused at the same time. I always thought YT was a place for funny videos (since those are the only type of videos people sent me). I signed up for a YT account because I wanted to view "adult content" videos (lol). I was confused because I didn't know that one could share their passion in such a manner, and like many of the gurus out there, I thought "why can't I?"
I developed a love for make-up at a very young age. I may not have gotten the actual products to play with, but I cut them out of "The Bay" weekly flyers and played with those - pretending to apply my paper lipstick and paper eyeshadows. I have no sisters. I played by myself (in front of the mirror).
It has always made me wonder… I don't have sisters, and my mom despises cosmetics… so how did I develop this love for make-up at such a young age? I have asked my mom this same question. I still have no answer.
Noticing this interest of mine, a family friend bought me an eyeshadow palette (or gave me her old one) -- I have a picture of me in kindergarten with a full face of makeup (or full eyeshadows at least)… I remember getting in trouble when I tried to apply some of my eyeshadow to fellow classmates (I wasn't thinking sanitary back then)… lol
In the picture: It's hard to tell.. But if you look closely, the bottom of my eye is smudged with green =P
I became one of those girls who wore make-up to school everyday in middle school (junior high), and had mastered the liquid liner before entering high school.
I was introduced to MAC when I got my make-up done there for prom some 7 years ago? I had always known OF it… but since I rarely went to the mall, I was limited to drugstore products. I remember liking the products used on me a lot (I still have the lipstick - which I don't use - that I got to touch up throughout the night as a 'souvenir'). And I still have the eye chart given to me for reference of the products used as well as the brushes used. From that day forth, I had picked out my lifetime staple products. I was still not a "fan" though. To me, MAC was just a luxury cosmetics line, that I can indulge in for my "everyday essentials".
When university came, my interest in make-up faded, but instead I was obsessed with anything skincare. Sleepless nights takes a toll on your skin, and so I was more concerned with keeping my face acne-free =)
When I first stumbled upon the YouTube makeup community, I was intrigued yet confused at the same time. I always thought YT was a place for funny videos (since those are the only type of videos people sent me). I signed up for a YT account because I wanted to view "adult content" videos (lol). I was confused because I didn't know that one could share their passion in such a manner, and like many of the gurus out there, I thought "why can't I?"
I developed a love for make-up at a very young age. I may not have gotten the actual products to play with, but I cut them out of "The Bay" weekly flyers and played with those - pretending to apply my paper lipstick and paper eyeshadows. I have no sisters. I played by myself (in front of the mirror).
It has always made me wonder… I don't have sisters, and my mom despises cosmetics… so how did I develop this love for make-up at such a young age? I have asked my mom this same question. I still have no answer.
Noticing this interest of mine, a family friend bought me an eyeshadow palette (or gave me her old one) -- I have a picture of me in kindergarten with a full face of makeup (or full eyeshadows at least)… I remember getting in trouble when I tried to apply some of my eyeshadow to fellow classmates (I wasn't thinking sanitary back then)… lol
In the picture: It's hard to tell.. But if you look closely, the bottom of my eye is smudged with green =P
I became one of those girls who wore make-up to school everyday in middle school (junior high), and had mastered the liquid liner before entering high school.
I was introduced to MAC when I got my make-up done there for prom some 7 years ago? I had always known OF it… but since I rarely went to the mall, I was limited to drugstore products. I remember liking the products used on me a lot (I still have the lipstick - which I don't use - that I got to touch up throughout the night as a 'souvenir'). And I still have the eye chart given to me for reference of the products used as well as the brushes used. From that day forth, I had picked out my lifetime staple products. I was still not a "fan" though. To me, MAC was just a luxury cosmetics line, that I can indulge in for my "everyday essentials".
When university came, my interest in make-up faded, but instead I was obsessed with anything skincare. Sleepless nights takes a toll on your skin, and so I was more concerned with keeping my face acne-free =)
I remember this one incident where my friend whipped out her MAC Lipglass and I asked how much one of those run for. When she told me it cost $16.5, I scoffed "you'd never catch me spending that much on a lipgloss -- you're crazy!"
I think about that a lot… cuz I seem like such a hypocrite now and I wonder what she thinks of my collection now =P
But I was curious… and so my bf bought me my first lipglass a few weeks later (Spirited)… and from there started my MAC addiction…
Enter Youtube (March 2008). When I first discovered YT make-up videos, I had established 18 potted MAC shadows… and I thought that was A LOT and thought anyone with MORE would be crazy (lol)… then I discovered haul videos and collection videos… and I thought, "wow… I thought I had a lot… how could anyone use that much makeup" lol… again… I feel hypocritical.
From YT, I discovered there has always been a make-up based community all over the web! Why have I not been informed?? LoL
From there, my MAC addiction was refueled…
I actually don't wear make-up that often… but I love looking at my collection and just swatching my products whenever I have the time -- and that makes me happy =P
One of my friends got into modelling and decided to pull me into the scene -- this is what started my freelancing. I've worked at professional photoshoots and continue to build my portfolio. This also reiterated my passion for everything make-up.
Finally, I would have to say my MAC collection grew significantly since I met buzzfuzzbunny… fellow mac addict. She is an AMAZING artist (and such an enabler! ^_~) and I've been trying to get her to post tutorials. Canadians like to do their Timmie's Runs… we do our Mac Runs ;)
Basically… what I'm trying to say, now that I'm completely off topic, is that the YT make-up community has exploded. Before discovering it, YT never had top videos that involved make-up -- hence me never realizing there was such a community in the first place. But now, there are lots of make-up related videos in the "top videos" section. The make-up community is dangerous… we feed off each other's addictions which assists in what we think we want and need… which causes our collections to grow… and grow… and grow...
I think about that a lot… cuz I seem like such a hypocrite now and I wonder what she thinks of my collection now =P
But I was curious… and so my bf bought me my first lipglass a few weeks later (Spirited)… and from there started my MAC addiction…
Enter Youtube (March 2008). When I first discovered YT make-up videos, I had established 18 potted MAC shadows… and I thought that was A LOT and thought anyone with MORE would be crazy (lol)… then I discovered haul videos and collection videos… and I thought, "wow… I thought I had a lot… how could anyone use that much makeup" lol… again… I feel hypocritical.
From YT, I discovered there has always been a make-up based community all over the web! Why have I not been informed?? LoL
From there, my MAC addiction was refueled…
I actually don't wear make-up that often… but I love looking at my collection and just swatching my products whenever I have the time -- and that makes me happy =P
One of my friends got into modelling and decided to pull me into the scene -- this is what started my freelancing. I've worked at professional photoshoots and continue to build my portfolio. This also reiterated my passion for everything make-up.
Finally, I would have to say my MAC collection grew significantly since I met buzzfuzzbunny… fellow mac addict. She is an AMAZING artist (and such an enabler! ^_~) and I've been trying to get her to post tutorials. Canadians like to do their Timmie's Runs… we do our Mac Runs ;)
Basically… what I'm trying to say, now that I'm completely off topic, is that the YT make-up community has exploded. Before discovering it, YT never had top videos that involved make-up -- hence me never realizing there was such a community in the first place. But now, there are lots of make-up related videos in the "top videos" section. The make-up community is dangerous… we feed off each other's addictions which assists in what we think we want and need… which causes our collections to grow… and grow… and grow...
I am so glad that I found this community to be a part of, because when I was on my own, my friends never understood me (and still don't)...
I used to make excuses for my "addiction" and just the other day one of my best friends said "you don't even try to hide it anymore eh!"... and i know it's "just makeup" and it seems silly to feel embarassed sometimes... but that's because there are too many people out there who judge.
I look forward to see where this will take me... whether it be on this blog, my YT channel or as a working freelance artist...
Cheers to all you make-up junkies =)
Cheers to all you make-up junkies =)
wow i feel the same way ^.^ i had no idea people did makeup or hair videos on youtube =P i looked up to so many of the gurus. but i always get worried if my video will ever be on top videos because i think that the only people who understand our videos are the people in the howto &style community. other people would come and comment and make fun of us
theres always the random douche guy saying "i cant believe you women put so much shit on your face..its sooo gross" and stuff like that =P
Awww I'm such a bad influence, aren't I? Lol.. Don't worry about what anyone else says about your makeup collection.. it makes you happy, so that's whats important =)
Haha, YouTube is such a enabler, I agree. I have gotten a lot of things thanks to that site!!! (same goes to Makeupalley!) But it's all good; it's nice to see what people think of all the different products :)
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