For your chance to win, make sure you're a follower of this blog and my YT channel and leave a comment under this post with your email telling me what your plans are for the fall season.
Contest closes Sunday, September 27th at 11:59pm EST and winner will be contacted by email.
Good Luck!
This fall season I'm starting my senior year of highschool : ) SO that means post-secondary next year D: I have to make plans as to what I'm doing (or at least have an idea :P), make sure I graduate and make the most out of it : ) I'm also hoping to attend "Haunt" at Canada's Wonderland for Halloween! Looks good xD
And of course, get ready for the long, dreaded winter Dx!
This session I will be at school trying to finish my degree :(
eating ice cream and painting my nails various colours every 3 days :p
This fall I plan to continue my homework habits and sleep earlier!!! I also hope I can start wearing dark nails as I've never worn dark nails before so I hope I get the guts to wear it this fall!
I plan to go to uei for the dental assistant program because I want to become a dentist. And also to visit my boyfriend
=D Finishing my degree! Also working out thrice a week at Hart House gym and making myself a gourmet breakfast at least once a week. High expectations, eh? =)
This fall season I would love to rock the gray eyeshadows & dark berry lips! It's fascinated how MakeupByTiffanyD did it :) Also those thigh-high boots for some fashion statement. I hope this fall I can travel somewhere for a few days far away from home (maybe a couple of hours only) :D School-wise? I hope I can just finish up whatever I'm doing. I'm just a junior in college who's stuck as to what her major is really because having a job & school work does not mix. No work for me as of now.
This fall season I will be getting laid off from my summer job, so I'm currently looking for a winter job. Hopefully, everything will work out. I plan on trying to lose weight for my upcoming wedding in June :)
this fall season, I'm really aiming to do better than I did last year and pull up my GPA :D
I also want to get my driver's license before winter, accessorize my outfits with scarves and berets, and try new blush colours!
This fall season i'm through half of college's 1st semester of my 2nd year. i'm working hard for my classes and starting to look classy as i'm going to class. i'm going for a more subtle look with some bronzer really excited to use my belightful iridescent powder!
YT: x_kaykay
This fall I started my first year of post secondary. This fall I'll be looking out for some new clothing, a blazer, some new boots. I'm also going to be looking forward to the release of Style Black on thursday. I'm not sure how I'll work the colours (or lack there of ;)) but I hope to rock them out.
This fall season I'm going to be working (of course). But I'm super excited for Halloween to come! :) I love Halloween and I just bought a costume on ebay! :)
My email is:
This fall I'm looking forward to colder weather (I know, I'm weird and like the cold). Halloween because My friend and I are dressing up to be as tacky as you could imagine :) Thanksgiving because of the food, and of course christmas because It's My favorite Holiday. I'm looking forward to doing my makeup with a more dark bronzy look so I don't look pale :(. I love the fall season!!!
my email is:
I look forward to the leaves changing. That is my most favorite time of the year. The trees aglow in vibrant yellows, reds, oranges, and greens. Which then of course means wearing fall clothes. Layering tops, busting out those warm boots, and throwing on your favorite sweater. I love it!
I'm a follower of this blog. YT name psugirl07. Email address:
I am planning on studying my but off in college so i can keep my scholarships!
I plan on going to taiwan this christmas! (:
I followed you on your blog and subbed on your YT.
during the fall season, i need to find jobs & scholorships for college.
i need new boots as well!!!
This fall season, I'm in my sophomore year at Pharmacy school. I'll be studying my butt off while trying to balance play and work as well. In addition to studying, I will be doing things I do best like shopping and hanging out with friends cause you can't have all work and NO play ;) Also this fall, I want to try darker colors for my eye makeup because I've been playing it safe and using very neutral colors. This fall, I want to step out of my comfort zone =)
This fall I plan to be going hard core on school and hopefully kicking ass!! :) and of course blogging!!!
hey sanderless, I watch your videos on ty, under the name pinkabuki. You should make videos, I know you haven't been making them much lately. Yt misses you!
For fall... I hope to find a new job soon, I have been unemployed for some time and it's getting me down. Sitting at home is "fun" but it gets old fast and I want to earn money to buy makeup and other pretty things.. and oh yeah, bills!
hopefully this fall will be the last fall i'll ever have to go back to school! (it's my last year!!)
...though it's a heavier course load laced with biology courses left, right and center is also obligatory since tuition doesnt pay itself...and no travelling plans as of now =)
OK so i really don't have anything going on I am being homeschooled and thats my school thing but i am really trying to get my style and make up together! No real travel plans though so yeah!
I am just trying to get through my first semester of college and finding a job. Its hard to figure out what I want to do. Oh and im finally moving out of my grandmas house!
hi sandy!for this fall i plan on finishing up my last year of university and then taking some time off to study for my LSATS and I also want to rock a few trends for this season, since I'm a huge fan of fall trends. I will also be preparing for the dreaded winter weather.
my e-mail:
honestly i dont have any plans for fall yet.. maybe just work because i wanna go on carribean cruise with my bf during the holidays so yeah..
I plan to get my driver's license and register as a voter!
YT: ninasagarbarria
irina.sagarbarria at gmail dot com
this fall season i will be suffering in school, roadtripping with the bf, and working out in an attempt to lose weight before my 21st birthday!
thanks for this!! :D
Im from the Philippines and we got no fall season. But, I'ma try to do good with my studies. :)
This fall season i plan to contuine going to school to get my GED. I wish i had stayed in high school but at least im getting back on track =) Also i plan to get my license in november woah hoo! Mainly to stay focused and motivated!
I started my senior year in high school, that means I've to star making plans for college :) but I've to make sure I graduate XD
but also have I have to paint my nails, whacth youtube videos and buy make up :)
I plan on getting a paper published...
This fall I plan on spending almost every moment I have with my niece who was just born on the 18th! I also plan on doing more freelance work as well!! Thanks for this opportunity!
My plans for fall is to keep up with school, earn some money, and just have fun with my friends:P.
This fall i'm hoping to do well in school for the fall term. I have a coop work term second semester so hopefully this fall i can work hard and find a good job with decent pay and a good experience to follow with it.
Hi Sandy, my fall plans are:
1.) Attend PUMA Warehouse sale this October;
2.) Attend Esprit/Lacoste Warehouse sale this November; and
3.) Save up for another MAC/Estee Lauder Warehouse sale haul for family and loved ones... (I really, really, really, absolutely enjoyed the last September MAC Warehouse sale! Thank you!!!
this season I'm trying to do a good job on my portfolio for university. I'm going to need all the luck i can get :S
Hey Sanderlees!
This fall season is off to a great start because...I was still able to wear shorts! hehe. However I am looking forward to wearing my leather jacket and new black boots. I'm in my last year of college, so for right now this season I am focused on school...unless MAC comes out with a new collection then all bets are off. lol.
this fall season my plans are to go to school and work part-time... and thats pretty much it. pretty boring and standard :/!
im a follower on both ur blog and yt (id: hellokiitzyy) and my email is
thanks for the giveaway!
This fall season I'm starting my senior year of highschool : ) SO that means post-secondary next year D: I have to make plans as to what I'm doing (or at least have an idea :P), make sure I graduate and make the most out of it : ) I'm also hoping to attend "Haunt" at Canada's Wonderland for Halloween! Looks good xD
And of course, get ready for the long, dreaded winter Dx!
My email is:
Hi Sandy, my fall plans are:
1.) Attend PUMA Warehouse sale this October;
2.) Attend Esprit/Lacoste Warehouse sale this November; and
3.) Save up for another MAC/Estee Lauder Warehouse sale haul for family and loved ones... (I really, really, really, absolutely enjoyed the last September MAC Warehouse sale! Thank you!!!
hey Sandy~ Hehe, I was thinking about it all day too, about how you said MAYBE it was true... but then no... -____-" couldn't be... my sister was at the hospital in the summer, they didnt take anyyy money until after everything, they sent us a bill. geez people.... so terrible... but thanks for checking in hun, now you know!! dont talk to strangers!! XD
This fall season I want to redress myelf so that I look more like my age/more professional because I've just started my first year in Pharmacy school. Despite having to juggle the heavy workload, I hope to be able to pain my nails regularly because I like them all nice and groomed. =)
this fall im looking forward to my 18th birthday and starting my life with my fiance. :] im also looking forward to attending some amazing haunted houses in my area for halloween, my favorite holiday.
Hey Sandelees!! My fellow Torontonian :) Coming this fall I'm hoping to hit the gym (since I haven't exercised ALL summer) and work on my research project. In terms of random misc. things, I'm looking forward to the new MAC Style Black collection that's coming out... Well, officially in-stores today. Oh BTW, how's the VAE? I've been wanting to order it online but I'm not sure if it's worth it!
hi sanderless :) so sweet of you! my plans this fall is to get good grades :) everybody wants good grades! to go vacay somewhere warm! yay!
This season i will be in school trying not to hate it so much.
AAAND trying to advance my volleyball skills so ill make it when i try out nextt year :)
This season, I will try to maintain at least an 85% average and not slack! hahaaa. gotta get working!
Well, im in my last year of highschool, so looking forward to completing that. i really want to learn more about makeup and become better. learn about what colours work better for me, things like that. im actually looking more forward for winter, so fall needs to move along quickly LOL
Hello! My plan for this fall is to get out of debt!! =) It's lame I know, but I gotta do what I gotta do. ((E-mail:
Hmmm This fall..I am starting grade 9 so that meas well im 14..hahah I am usually making gel nails..playing with my hair..But I actually have very few make up stuff because well im not exactly that rich to buy SO MANY things.. anyways talk to you soon!
this fall Iam currently working *wendys* to save money up to go back to college next yr. Also doing some freelance makeup on the side for some extra cash. I also plan on visiting my boyfriend who lives 3 hours away from me soon. I have also made a goal to try and loose 20 pounds by my birthday *fingers crossed * feb28th*.
oh 4got my email
This fall I will be in school and finishing my last year of undergrad and find a job. I will also be celebrating my 21st birthday!!
This fall I am attending my final year of nursing school & feeding my beauty product addiction lol.
This fall I plan on starting up my own Makeup YouTube channel with a collection of looks, quick tips, and reviews. We need more guys in to make up on YouTube!
I'll also be celebrating my 19th Birthday!
This fall season I will be doing the usual school, school and more school. Im also going in to get surgery on my torn ACL so thats not to exciting but I love the fall because of layering clothes and boots, boots are my love. I also love the dark colours you can experiment with during the fall, like berry lips.
I've just started my 2nd year at uni so am planning to basically work hard to get good grades. Also I finally managed to get a job on campus so I'm going to be VERY busy!
Some of the things I will be doing this fall are:
- Helping my mom with my little sister, Elle, when she is born. (Actually that is in winter. She is due December 19!)
- Making YouTube videos (TheBeautySpot)
- Collecting makeup! (So I am super excited about this giveaway!)
- Growing my hair out
- Having my Birthday Party (I turned 13 on September 15!)
- Started Jr. High!
this fall i'm starting second year of university =( i plan on nerding it up this year after a really horrible first. i also recently got a job at old navy and am stoked to start working =)
This fall I'm going to travel during vacation to my home country(China) and eat as much food and buy as much stuff possible :) SO EXCITED !!
BTW- I love your blog :D the best
Being a new mom, I'll be very busy taking care of my 8 month old daughter and enjoying every minute with her. Looking forward to her first Thanksgiving, Halloween and Christmas.
You blog and videos are great, btw.
This fall season will be my last year of my college,then i will transfer to jeffson school for my nursing program, and i will study hard....
I wish that i could go shoping in canada...
This fall season I'm refreshing myself; I have re-thought about my choice in university and decided to take a semester off. I am planning to work to save up for school; I will be heading into Fashion Marketing in the new year. So I jumped from Architecture into Fashion Marketing, I'm quite pumped for school now! As well, I'm learning to save my money (makeup-wise)...especially focusing more on drugstore cosmetics vs. higher end cosmetics!
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