So here is my haul from the sale... I must say that this one was the most 'disappointing' compared to all the other sales I've been to. They had the face and body foundation there that was just "released" with the new HD collection. It was sold out in a snap and I didn't get a chance to pick one up.
However, even though it was 'disappointing', I am still and will forever be grateful that I am able to attend these sales.
1st row: #182 Couture, Belightful Iridescent Powder, Brunette MSF, Splashproof Lash Mascara, Accentuate Sculpt, Rose is a Rose quad
2nd row: Miss Dynamite Dazzleglass, Looks Like Sin Cremesheenglass, Fun and Games bpb, x-rocks blush, Nuance mb, Merrily mb, Bobbi Brown Luminous Moisturizing Foundation Beige 3(They gave me the wrong shade I asked for >_< !!)
3rd row: Tender Tryst See Thru Lip Colour, Totally It! lipglass, Silly Girl lipglass, Poetic License lipglass (LOVE), Elle lipglass (LOVE), Pink Grapefruit lipglass, Deep Blue Green pigment, Viz-a-Violet Pigment, Bronzescape Solar Bits, Foolish Me blush, Burnt Orange e/s
4th row: Clear gloss, Top: Glamour Check! e/s, Sugarshot e/s, Bottom: Knight e/s, 100 Strokes e/s, 1N lipstick, Ultra Elegant Slimshine, Think Tan slimshine, NW20 Studio Stick Concealer
did they have the blush refill at the $3 table because i swear i didnt see that, and i was there on the saturday. i was behind you and michelle at the lipstick/gloss table line. but i was a little too shy to say hi lol. if that blush refill was $3 i'm going to feel like such an idiot!
the blush refill was at the $3 table, but on the friday -- a lot from that section was sold out by saturday -- you should've said hi! no reason to be shy =)
ahhh you got the #41 lashes!! soo jealous! i dug through the lash box to try and find "criss cross" lashes buut they were already out :( whatever, im just glad i won the tickets and got to go :) heheheheh
<3 anne
Awesome haul! I didn't get that much things either. I tried to be selective this time and not go so crazy lol....but thanks for the earlier offer from Friday night...I really appreciated it and I hope you "might" have extras next time lol....*hugs*
You are lucky to be able to go. Just the sight of it would excite me if I were there :-)
I sooo wish i had gotten a ticket for this..even though I didnt have any money to spend ha ha.
awesome haul! and i had the same problem with the workers giving me the wrong shade, the lady was actually driving me insane, but in the end i came home with the right shade, but yea i never trust them cuz sometimes the products get mixed up in their boxes
hey! i was in front of you in the compact line on friday and said hi! did you try to go back and exchange the foundation? on saturday, my aunt picked up 2 rose is a rose quads and they packed her shadowy lady instead. i went back through the exit and they let me go in and exchange it!
hi sweetie1202! I remember you! thanks for saying hi, altho you scurried off in a hurry =P
Unfortunately, I didn't realize they gave me the wrong shade until i started taking pics for the haul haha.. i didn't get to unpack my purchases for two days -- not too big of a deal tho.. it can just go in my kit =)
Where are these sales at???
omg when I saw the lashes I thought to myself Sandy must've stocked up! haha.
I was really disappointed with the selection too! but can't complain the eyeshadow quads were soooo cheap! Kinda bummed that I picked up Phloof but I actually have an Annabelle dupe :s they are almost identical arggg!
i was a little embarrassed by my "just rolled out of bed sans make-up" look next to you and buzzfuzzbunny~ and because i have to leave by 11:20am so that i could go to work! i picked up fun+games too~ my fave purchase! bc the stores were sold out by the time i decided that i had to have it!
so beautiful, when you see various MAC goodies...the mineralized blush and MSF are so my faves.
i always make sure and double check the shades before they put it in the bag because sometimes they give you the wrong product. or forget to put some products in, etc. i always make them open it up. but for the quads they wouldn't let me do that which was pissing me off because they opened it for hte lady right next to me
I went on the friday and they had the face and body but not my colour. I agree this was a blah sale. Still made a dent on my bank account though lol. I focused on the skin treatments this time. Scored the hello kitty makeup bag which was great coz i missed out on the fafi bag last june. I always feel like i should go all 3 days!!! Until the december sale then...
heyy sandy! can you please tell me how i can get invitations for these sales!?
i would appreciate it so much if you can hook me up!
hiya, I am from toronto too and just wondering where are these MAC warehouses located/how you get the tickets :o ?!?! Please let me knowww, I would really appreciate it!
Where do you find these wharehouse sales?
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