Thursday, October 08, 2009


Did anyone ever notice that you can pull out the end of the greasepaint stick and voila! there exists a sharpener?!?!? I thought I broke it!! Do the MAC MUAs even know about this?! CRAZY!!


helen said...

haha! that's pretty nifty indeed. I would have never expected this from Mac =D

~Lisa said...

Wow, I didn't MAC had these sharpeners too! I only know Revlon, Maybelline, and Almay have them. I wonder if the other eyeliners have this too?

lindah said...

Yes I knew about this! I thought everyone did? The makeup artist actually showed me lol! :)

Christy said...

Yup, I knew about it, but I don't think a lot of MA's promoted that feature. I probably wouldn't use it though. I prefer GPS as a base more so than a liner since it gets a bit cakey.