Monday, January 05, 2009


I apologize once again for being MIA -- i am sooo bad with keeping organized and posting blogs/videos regularly!! That is why one of my resolutions for the new year is to get organized!

I just finished (sorta) cleaning my room -- it is a never ending task!

Also, school just started today (and i already have two assignments due next week!!! ARGH!)... my bday is also next week, so i've been scrambling trying to organize a small dinner with my friends this weekend (as they have to travel from out of town)... i was telling everyone how this bday has really just crept up on me. I used to be super excited about my bdays WELL BEFORE the holidays... and i would plan a big event. This year i completely forgot!!!! until a couple of days ago when my friends started asking me, "so... what's happening with your bday?" AAHHHHHHHHH!!!

Anyway... enough rambling... i have a collective haul (yet to be filmed)... BUT... since i bought everything over the *hectic* holidays, i don't even remember what they were >_< (or where they are, since i don't keep everything i first buy together -- i immediately put it in drawers etc).

rambling again...

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